90000000: Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
Detailed information about the contract
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• United Utilities Water Ltd (UU) produces over 200,000 dry tonnes (tDS) of wastewater derived sludge per annum. • Due to sludge growth and reconfiguration of our asset base we have a need for sludge treatment services in the North of our region. • We have previously issued PINs and conducted market engagement for short term and strategic solutions for these treatment services. • This has enabled us to define the strategic sludge treatment service we want to procure from the market, which is: to outsource 45,000 tDS of sludge treatment capacity for a period of 20 years for sludge arising in the North of our region. • We will be hosting a supplier day in November to set out the details of the procurement and answer questions from potential suppliers. Please see Complementary information section for more information.
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