85121232: Pulmonary specialists services
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In order to maintain the maximum number of Operationally effective Military divers , the Ministry of Defence (the Authority) is required to provide Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT). This test, when required, is used to inform decision-making regarding fitness to undertake diving training and maintaining / returning Military divers to full diving fitness. An outline of the standard testing for divers includes, as a minimum but not limited to, the following: a. Medical history questionnaire; b. Targeted physical examination where applicable; c. Flow volume loop; d. Plethysmography e. Gas transfer; f. Exercise spirometry; g. β2 agonist reversibility. The current Association of Respiratory Technicians and Physiologists (ARTP) standards for the testing should be used wherever possible. For aspects of testing not covered by the ARTP standards, current best practice should be followed. An outline of the standard measurements include as a minimum, but not limited to: a. Dynamic lung volume measurement to include: Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second (FEV 1), Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) and FEV1/FVC ratio ) IAW ARTP standards and using a spirometer that complies with ATS/ERS 2005, has both volume/time and flow/volume curves and a large enough printout to assess the quality of the blow. b. Dynamic lung volumes using body plethysmography (constant volume box) producing Flow Volume Loop (FVL). This should include subdivisions of the expiratory curve from the FVL, both numerically and with a visual trace. The inspiratory portion of the FVL should also be measured. Other measurements to include FVC, FEV1, Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) and Forced Expiratory Flow (FEF) (25% 50% 75% and 25-75%) IAW ARTP standards. c. Diffusing Capacity of the Lungs for Carbon Monoxide (DLCO) IAW ARTP standards. d. Static lung volumes using body plethysmography including: Total Lung Capacity (TLC), Residual Volume (RV), Functional Residual Capacity (FRC), Vital Capacity (VC). Additionally, a comparison of TLC by plethysmography with the accessible volume from a Gas Transfer (GT) manoeuvre to give an indication of any sequestered intra-thoracic gas not in rapid communication with the exterior through the bronchial tree. e. FEV1 and PEFR both immediately, and after a period of 10 minutes, following 8 minutes exercise on a static bicycle (maximal effort) breathing dry diving gas. f. Spirometry post 5 milligram nebulised salbutamol (FEV1 and PEF Rate). It is anticipated there shall be up to 77 PFT tests per annum to be undertaken within 6 weeks of referral. This PIN has been issued in order to better understand the market. The Authority is inviting interested parties to provide details on their capacity and capability in this field. The Authority is looking to host individual MS Teams sessions with interested providers to aid its understanding of the market. The MS Teams sessions shall be held between 09:00 and 12:00hrs on 7th January 2022. If you wish to engage with the Authority regarding this request for information, please email kelvin.edwards109@mod.gov.uk with the following: a. Company Name b. Brief description of your Company c. Details of capacity and capability in this field d. Point of Contact details Information you provide to the Authority in response to this PIN will be handled in-confidence. By submitting a response to this PIN you are giving the Authority permission to keep and use the information for our internal purposes. The Authority shall not use or disclose the information for any other purpose, without first requesting permission to do so. Any and all costs associated with the production of a response either to this PIN, attendance at the MS Teams session or any resultant competition shall be borne by the provider. The Authority shall not contribute in any way to meeting the cost of any response. This PIN is not a means to seek formal expressions of interest - Should the Authority decide to progress with the requirement, a Contract Notice shall be issued that references this PIN.
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