79200000: Accounting, auditing and fiscal services
Detailed information about the contract
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Great Places Housing Group (GPHG) is looking to engage with Tax Advisory firms that may be interested in the upcoming tender opportunity, due to be released early November on ProContract. GPHG have the following aims from the pre-market engagement: 1 - Better understand market competency and capacity 2 - Test the market interest 3 - Develop a procurement strategy that aligns with the market Interested firms are invited to a Supplier Engagement Day, hosted in Manchester at Great Places Head Office from 9.30am-11.30am on 16th October 2024. A maximum of two delegates are invited, per organisation. You can complete the form via the following link to either: a: Register your place at the Supplier Engagement Day b: Leave your contact details to be informed when the tender is published. https://forms.office.com/e/KFPYvaxR5a This form will close at 12pm on 15th October 2024. This notice isn't asking for bids yet. It's just a way for Great Places to engage with suppliers and understand the market before publishing a tender, in accordance with Regulation 40 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. For avoidance of doubt, participation in this market engagement exercise is not a requirement to bid for the tender. The tender will be conducted in accordance with the Open Procedure through ProContract, whereby any supplier can bid.
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