K7 - Kitchens

39141000: Kitchen furniture and equipment

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

K7 - Kitchens

Opportunity ID: DN587044 This is a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to provide awareness of an upcoming framework tender. This opportunity has been listed by LHC on behalf of: LHC Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA) Consortium Procurement Consortium (CPC) Welsh Procurement Alliance (WPA) South-West Procurement Alliance (SWPA) LHC is seeking expressions of interest from Kitchen manufacturers to bid for the replacement of our current and popular Kitchen and Associated Products Framework. Interested manufacturers will be required to deliver an full design, supply and deliver service . Manufacturers will be required to supply a range of standard and adaptive / inclusive kitchens suitable for use by individuals with mobility issues Please note this will be a supply and deliver only framework. LHC have intended to structure two lots, it should be noted however that this may be refined following our pre-tender engagement and therefore may not represent the lot structure in the final tender issued. Lot 1 - General Housing (would include a range of specifications including adaptive / inclusive ranges) Lot 2 - Commercial Kitchens As this will be a national framework, within each Lot there will be multiple geographical areas that bidders can apply for. Due to the current COVID 19 restrictions, we aim to carry out further engagement webinars with interested parties via Zoom / Teams. We will be holding a webinar on 13th January 2022, this will be a chance for any new parties to participate. We also be holding one to one session via Microsoft Teams. These will be from 10th January 2022 to 21st January 2022. To register an interest in the upcoming framework tender, and to receive further information on the webinar and how to book onto a session please express an interest in the project via our eTendering portal using the direct link as follows. LINK: https://procontract.due-north.com/Procurer/Advert/View?advertId=c6ae4f71-be59-ec11-810e-005056b64545&fromAdvertEvent=True Please note in order to express an interest in the opportunity on our eTendering portal you will need to be registered and logged in.

LHC for the Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA)
Date Published
39141000: Kitchen furniture and equipment
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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