ESC23239 DPS for Software Development Services (ESC Modelling Tools)

72000000: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support

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ESC23239 DPS for Software Development Services (ESC Modelling Tools)

The Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) is launching a new Dynamic Procurement System (DPS). This DPS is for Software Development services and Energy System Data Visualisation services, both of which are required immediately to support projects developing ESC's energy system modelling tools. A total budget of circa £250 thousand to £1 million (subject to funding being approved) may be spent over the initial term of this DPS. Skills Required and Project Introduction For Lot 1, the skills required relate to professional development of software. Under Lot 1, ESC is seeking a software development partner to support the delivery of an innovative digital tool. This will be an energy system modelling tool to enable Local Area Energy Planning. For Lot 2, the skills required relate to development and implementation of data visualisation solutions which are required in several of ESC's energy system modelling tools. Under Lot 2, ESC is seeking organisations which can deliver these data visualisation solutions into existing and new tools - including both: (a) tools to be specified under future procurement events; and (b) potentially the Local Area Energy Planning Tool under Lot 1. A brief summary of the first project required under Lot 1 is provided in Appendix 7 - 'Indicative Project Outline for Lots 1 and 2'. Further projects are expected to be launched shortly. Domain expertise in energy systems and/or local planning is desirable but NOT essential, as ESC experts will be available to work with suppliers' teams. The priority is the essential professional software development and data visualisation skills, and organisations which have these software and/or visualisation skills are strongly encouraged to apply even if they do not have energy system / planning domain expertise. Details The DPS Application Pack is not attached to this advertisement. The pack includes a Guide to the DPS containing further information on the skills and experience required, details of the DPS framework, and information on how to complete the short application to become an approved supplier on this DPS. Appendices provide additional details of terms and application documents. Any interested organisation with the required skills and experience is strongly encouraged to apply as soon as possible. Organisations are requested to notify ESC - as soon as possible - whether they intend to apply (or are potentially interested in applying) to join the DPS.

Date Published
72000000: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
£1.0M GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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