85000000: Health and social work services
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The West of Scotland (WoS) Health Boards require the provision of a Child Forensic Physicians (CFP) service. When there is a suspicion of physical or sexual abuse, children are examined by a paediatrician who may request that a CFP is also present. The Joint Paediatric Forensic Examination (JPFE) provides a holistic assessment of development, health and wellbeing and allows for collection of forensic evidence. The decision to proceed to JPFE is usually taken at the Initial Referral Discussion (IRD). Referrals may come from partner agencies (Police/SW) or from health services. Paediatric and forensic services for Child Sexual Assault/Rape (CSA/R) and Non Accidental Injury (NAI) historically developed at different times in the West of Scotland. The West of Scotland area in the context of this tender is defined as services provided that cover the geographical areas of: NHS Dumfries and Galloway, NHS Ayrshire and Arran, NHS Lanarkshire, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde NHS Highland (specifically Argyll and Bute HSCP) With the establishment of the CMO Taskforce for the Improvement of Services for Adults and Children who have experience Rape and Sexual Assault, WOS Regional Planning established a Programme Board which has overseen the ongoing development of the WOS Sexual Assault Service. The service is the nexus of the development of improved services for adults, adolescents and children who have experienced sexual assault / abuse or exploitation.
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