65410000: Operation of a power plant
Detailed information about the contract
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The publication of this Prior Information Notice (PIN), issue of a briefing paper, draft Tender Safety Assessment (TSA), draft Terms and Conditions and follow up market engagement one to one sessions is to inform the market on two of the key documents that will form part of the upcoming tender, specifically the TSA - requirements that the chosen Contractor will be required to meet, and the framework Terms and Conditions.
Building on previous market engagement events for Sellafield Ltd.’s proposal for future contract opportunity for the Operation, Maintenance and Management (OM&M) for the Fellside Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHPP), and Boiler Park (BP), collectively known as the “Fellside Site”.
The aim is to facilitate discussions with the market regarding the Fellside OM&M arrangements. Sellafield Ltd is keen to introduce the upcoming contract opportunity and engage with suppliers with experience of similar operations.
Sellafield Ltd would like to understand the market’s position on the TSA and the Terms & Conditions and whether either of them represents a dis-incentive to participate in the competition in their current form.
The Contract Opportunity is for an initial duration of six years with Sellafield Ltd having an option to extend for up to two further years. The estimated value of the maximum 8-year contract term is £128,000,000.
Sellafield Ltd anticipates the competition commencing in early December 2023, when a contract notice will be published, and with service delivery expected to in mid-2025.
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