90000000: Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
Detailed information about the contract
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This is not an invitation to tender process and consists of a soft market testing questionnaire. Please note all information provided is indicative and for information purposes only. South Gloucestershire Council (the Council) is undertaking a soft market testing exercise, with the aim of helping the Authority better prepare the procurement strategy and process, test its assumptions about the scope of the future contract and establish a means to achieve the best value for money. The services include waste collections, treatment and disposal of waste including refuse (household), recycling, food, and garden (green) waste. This soft market testing is not to look at street cleansing activities. Your completed Questionnaire must be submitted via email to Waste.Management@southglos.gov.uk no later than 12:00 noon on 2nd December 2022 (late submissions will not be accepted).
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