92000000: Recreational, cultural and sporting services
Detailed information about the contract
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This Prior Information Notice (PIN) is an indication of a potential future procurement . Any procurement will be the subject of a later Contract Notice through the Find a Tender Service. Mole Valley District Council will shortly be going out to tender for the Leisure Management Contract for its two Leisure Centres. The Contract will include the operation and management of the Dorking Sports Centre and Leatherhead Leisure Centre from 26th Nov 2023. We have organised a Market Interest Day to be held on Monday 19th December at Mole Valley District Council offices. The purpose of the day will be to tour the facilities and provide information about the forthcoming tender opportunity. The day will commence at 9.30am and should finish no later than 2.00pm. If you would like to take part in this Market Interest Day please email the Shared Procurement Service – procurement@horsham.gov.uk with details of the name, position and contact details of those attending by no later than Monday 12th Dec.
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