85000000: Health and social work services
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Primary Care Laboratory - South West On behalf of NHS England's South West Digital Transformation Team, the National Commercial and Procurement Hub (NHS England) is hosting a market engagement event to test supplier interest and capabilities in the delivery of a Primary Care Laboratory. The Primary Care Laboratory will be a highly flexible physical space(s), capable of simulating clinical and administrative areas, mirroring the general practice environment. The space will be easily reconfigurable to reflect various options for workflow and, potentially, other primary care environments (e.g. dental practices). Service infrastructure will be required to enable staff to work in the space to develop and test digital technologies and processes, to address the challenges facing the delivery of primary care. There will be opportunities for partner organisations to use the Primary Care Laboratory as a resource for health care delivery research, associated with NHS operational pressures. We are seeking organisations capable of providing these services as a whole or organisations that could provide part of the services to gather information of what is possible in the market currently and to share our vision of how laboratory will work. Information assimilated from the event will help inform the procurement strategy, should we proceed to tender. Interested suppliers should note that this exercise is a market engagement exercise only. Any future competitions or opportunities will not be directly linked to this notice. Interested suppliers should be clear that interest in this engagement is a fundamental step towards the creation of the strategy to deliver an enhanced service. This window is presented for interested suppliers to register their interest via email to the National commercial and Procurement Hub: commercial.procurementhub@nhs.net The deadline for registering interesting 14th November 2022 at 12pm midday. The event will be held via MS teams on 15th November 2022 date with the time to be confirmed via the invite.
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