72514300: Facilities management services for computer systems maintenance

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract


Please note this is not a call for competition, this is a Prior Information Notice (PIN) the PROVISION OF SCIDA SERVICES. The proposed contract commencing 1st January 2026 – 31st December 2030. The purpose of this Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to alert potential suppliers to an opportunity in relation to a procurement to be undertaken on behalf of Air Command. This procurement is for the future provision of SCIDA services for the Air Estate. The term ‘SCIDA’ refers to the Site Co-ordination Installation and Design Authority. The Co-ordination Installation and Design Authority (CIDA) exists to ensure the correct physical and environmental aspects of all MOD IT fixed infrastructure is installed in a safe and secure manner. The lead authority, CIDA, is a sub-department of the Defence Digital (DD) Operations Pillar. CIDA Governance support the establishment of site-based teams to deliver the SCIDA function; these teams are known as ‘SCIDA’. Subsequently. Air SCIDA provides assurance that Site Computer Information Systems (CIS) conforms to regulations and maintains Air safety. Air Command has a requirement to contract for SCIDA provision to maintain Air sites in the UK and overseas. Intended MOD procurement for the supply of SCIDA services for the RAF estate. It is currently envisaged that this procurement will be run using CCS RM6264 FM DPS to procure SCIDA services. We would like to extend the opportunity to all potential suppliers to have access to the competition. Use of a DPS allows suppliers to onboard at any time, and they only have to select the individual services they are capable of delivering. If this would be of interest, please read the attached guidance doc and follow the instructions to onboard. Onboarding is completely free. CCS have also produced a video guide albeit for a different DPS, but the onboarding process is the same. From around 4 mins into this YouTube video, the information is fairly generic that may help. If you have any questions, please reach out to mark.woods@crowncommercial.gov.uk.

Ministry of Defence
Date Published
72514300: Facilities management services for computer systems maintenance
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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