45000000: Construction work
Detailed information about the contract
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Dŵr Cymru Cyfyngedig (DCC/Welsh Water) intends to deliver a construction project, the Cwm Taf Water Supply Project (Cwm Taf Project) to provide long-term water supply resilience to Cardiff, Newport and several smaller towns located within the Merthyr Valley. DCC will utilise a Competitively Appointed Provider (CAP) to deliver the project which is to be procured using Ofwat’s new Direct Procurement for Customers (DPC) approach.
Further information regarding the Ofwat methodology for DPC can be viewed via the following link: https://www.ofwat.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Appendix-9-Direct-procurement-FM.pdf The Cwm Taf Project will be delivered on a Design, Build and Finance (DBF) basis and will include: (a) Design and Build including testing, and commissioning of the works; and (b) Financing of the activities. The formal designation of the DPC scheme by Ofwat is scheduled for publication before the end of the year. This Periodic Indicative Notice (PIN) is the next iteration of a previously published PIN in April 2021 (reference: 2021/S 000-008569). DCC (Welsh Water) are continuing to test market interest for the Design, Build and Financing (DBF) of the project before publication of the contract notice currently expected in September 2023.
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