Provision of Interim Strategic Sealift Capability - The purpose of this notice is to invite the market to attend a virtual engagement session to gain further insight on the Strategic Sealift Capability and subsequently provide information and obtain multiple views across the market to help inform the potential future Project & Commercial Strategies for SSL-I. For the avoidance of doubt this notice is not a call to competition. Any responses, comments, indications of interest, participation or non-participated by any organisation at this stage will not influence the process, selection and/or award decision for a future possible procurement, nor will it be taken as a suppliers committed position. Limited information may be shared with MoD third parties for Subject Matter Expert advice where required.

60640000: Shipping operations

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Provision of Interim Strategic Sealift Capability - The purpose of this notice is to invite the market to attend a virtual engagement session to gain further insight on the Strategic Sealift Capability and subsequently provide information and obtain multiple views across the market to help inform the potential future Project & Commercial Strategies for SSL-I. For the avoidance of doubt this notice is not a call to competition. Any responses, comments, indications of interest, participation or non-participated by any organisation at this stage will not influence the process, selection and/or award decision for a future possible procurement, nor will it be taken as a suppliers committed position. Limited information may be shared with MoD third parties for Subject Matter Expert advice where required.

Strategic Sealift provides UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) with a capability to deploy cargo overseas from the UK in support of the UK’s standing commitments and contingent operations. The current Sealift contract expires on 31 December 2024. A new project has been initiated by UK MOD, with the aim to provide a new contract for an interim period of minimum 5 years, to an updated user requirement. The Key User Requirements are being released as part of this notice and will be discussed during the events.

Ministry of Defence
Date Published
60640000: Shipping operations
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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