79710000: Security services
Detailed information about the contract
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Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council (BwDBC) is looking to award a Framework Contract Agreement for the provision of an out of hours incident “first response” to site alarm / related activations, on shift key holding and aspects of mobile patrols, gate and/or building locking and/or un-locking services for which suppliers are invited to tender. We propose to hold a Pre Tender Meeting for potential bidders on Thursday 6th January 2022 at 1400hrs via Microsoft Teams to review key aspects of the requirements of this new framework in order to receive potential bidder feedback. Please confirm via the Expression of interest stage or messaging option should you wish to join this session and provide the necessary email addresses - we will then add you to the invite accordingly. Please note that the tender pack will not be issued until after the above session has taken place The service requirements within the scope of this Contract is to provide a “first response” incident and “Mobile Response / Patrol Officer Service” to specified Council sites (as detailed in this invitation to tender document) within the control or authority of Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council area. The successful Contractor will supply services on demand, as and when required, to each of the participating Departments / sites of the Council at the contract price.
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