70332200: Commercial property management services
Detailed information about the contract
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Scottish Enterprise intends to undertake a competitive tendering process to appoint a supplier to provide the full range of property management services across its investment property portfolio. This portfolio, which is subject to regular change, was recently valued (September 2023) at GBP153M and comprises industrial buildings, offices, multi-occupancy business centres, science & technology parks, development land and other property interests. Scottish Enterprise envisage that the procurement process will commence with the publication of a full Contract Notice in January 2024, with a formal contract commencement date 1 July 2024. At present, the anticipated contract duration would be for 4 years, with the option to extend for 2 x 1-year periods, totalling 6 years overall. The value range of the contract over the full duration is, at present, anticipated as being between GBP1,800,000 and GBP2,400,000 (excl VAT). This Prior Information Notice (PIN) is not a call for competition and is being published to raise awareness of the opportunity to potential bidders. Pre-Procurement Engagement Session Subject to sufficient interest, Scottish Enterprise has set aside time at 1:30PM on Tuesday, 21 November 2023 for a pre-procurement engagement session with potential bidders. We envisage this will be facilitated via MS Teams and include further details of the contract to be procured, outline of the procurement process to be followed, and include time for Q&A. Further details can be found within the attached information paper.
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