85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS FT’s YorSexual Health (YSH) in partnership with City of York County Council & North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) is scoping recommissioning aspects of its Sexual Health Service for our most at risk populations (MARPs). This is to place a stronger emphasis on access to provision in localities, and more choice on how and when people access sexual health care.The MARP population to support:• People misusing drugs• LGBTQ community• Sex workers• Vulnerable Young people (including those at risk of sexual exploitation & looked after children)• Those from ethnic minority backgrounds (including travellers)We welcome engagement from providers to discuss proposed models for supporting most at risk populations and to help us consider how services could be delivered in the future. We are keen to utilise market expertise to commission a high quality service and we are particularly interested in working with organisations that can innovate.
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