38544000: Drug detection apparatus
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Notice of Competition to join a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the Provision of Preliminary Roads Drug Testing Devices (MPRDTD), including the respective equipment and consumables that are required. The Road Traffic Act 1988 Section 5A permits the police to conduct a preliminary test in the investigation of drug driving offences for the purpose of obtaining an indication whether a person has a specified controlled drug in their body. This DPS will be for two (2) LOTs with the characteristics described in ITT Schedule 1: Specification (Statement of Requirements (SOR), Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Technical and Quality Standards Annex 1 and Annex 2. Lot 1: Un-Powered Mobile Preliminary Road Drug Testing Devices - Single Use Disposable.Lot 2: Powered Mobile Preliminary Road Drug Testing Devices - Re-Usable Handheld DevicesPlease note this is a republication of Notice 2022/S 000-007329, published 17 March 2022.
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