Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board (ICB) invites interested parties with experience and expertise in the delivery of transport, logistics, technology, call centre operations, customer services and other provisions relevant to the delivery of NEPTS who may potentially be interested in this opportunity, to a market engagement event
on 1st December 2022, 13.30-15.30pm
at Martineau Hall, Dorking Halls, Reigate Rd, Dorking RH4 1SG
During this event we aim to:
- Explain Surrey Heartlands’ ambition for NEPTS and convey our aspirations whilst further exploring the associated opportunities and challenges.
Delivery of a comprehensive customer led service which is flexible to demand and easy to use by clinical teams and Surrey citizens
- Gain an understanding from the market about:
Reactions and feedback upon the NHSE national NEPTS framework NHS England
Capability and feasibility of delivery of all aspects of the national NEPTS delivery framework expectations and the associated mobilisation and interdependency considerations/factors.
Potential organisational delivery configurations and partnerships
Contractual and Financial Modelling options
Estimated costs of service delivery
Ability of providers to respond to potential simultaneous procurement exercises in 2023
The national framework for this service comprises five elements including specialist and non-specialist transport and a Booking & Coordination Centre. The latter will be responsible for support and signposting to people ineligible for the Patient Transport Service as well as the management of financial support and reimbursement schemes.
- Booking and Coordination
• Single point of co-ordination brokerage and booking for NEPTS across an ICS
• Co-ordination and booking systems need to be interoperable across different providers
- Specialist Transport
• Vehicles that are designed for the primary purpose of transporting people who require treatment
• They will likely be required to register with the Care Quality Commission (CQC)
- Non-Specialist
• Often offer scope for new models of delivery
• Not usually required to register with the CQC
- Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) / Framework Agreement
• For both specialist and non- specialist transport
• Ongoing assurance and regular review
- Financial Support Systems
• Considerations for financial support schemes, such as the Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS)
• Financial support schemes that can support NEPTS
To register for this event, please email with your name, organisation, job title and email address by midday Friday 25th November 2022
We look forward to welcoming you to this event where several Surrey Heartlands senior colleagues will be on hand to facilitate discussion and answer questions. An agenda and pre-reading will be issued on registration.