85300000: Social work and related services
Detailed information about the contract
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Please note: This is a soft market testing exercise and NOT a procurement. Blaby District Council Lightbulb Service are seeking views on the provision of Specialist Assistive and Smart Technology Service as part of Disabled Facility Grant Extensions. Interested parties are invited to complete the accompanying questionnaire and return by noon Fri 16th December via the East Midlands Procurement Portal - Home (eastmidstenders.org). The estimated annual spend on these services is subject to available funding but could be up to £100k pa. You will find further details of the requirement, including the type of services and the geographic area in which they will be required, in the accompanying questionnaire. Participation (or non-participation) in this soft marketing exercise will neither confer an advantage or disadvantage on a potential supplier should they participate in any subsequent procurement for these services. All responses will be treated in confidence.
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