77314000: Grounds maintenance services
Detailed information about the contract
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CHIC publishes this Notice of an Amendment to be made to the DPS in pursuance of the original Notice 2017/S 207-428123 published in OJEU on the 18th August 2017, extending the DPS until 19th November 2027. All other details relating to this DPS remain unchanged. The change comprises extending the validity period with a further 60-months extension option, reviewed at 12 month increments whereby the authority can amend (extend, shorten, terminate or re-procure) the DPS. This DPS remains accessible by members of CHIC to all UK public-sector bodies (potential members) including (but not limited to): • Housing Associations • Local Authorities and Government Departments • Registered Charities • NHS and Health and Social Care Groups • Emergency Services • Schools and Academies/Colleges and Universities • Libraries and Museums , including those listed in Schedule 1 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015/102.
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