85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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In delivering the Service, the successful bidders will support Wellbeing Teams of 4 – 12 Wellbeing Workers to support people to live well and be part of their community. The Service Provider will also support Wellbeing Teams to be: • Self-managing • Values-led • Focussed on co-production, supporting people to make decisions about their life and support • Committed to wellbeing, both of the people they support and team members In supporting Wellbeing Teams, the successful bidders will ensure that Wellbeing Teams: • Understand what matters to each person, and co-produce support that reflects this. • Know what people’s strengths, passions and interests are, and the detail of how they want to be supported, their way. • Use this knowledge and information to support Clients to have as much choice and control over their lives and support as possible.
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