79400000: Business and management consultancy and related services
Detailed information about the contract
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Manufacturing Innovation Centre Moray (MICM) is one of eight strategic projects forming part of the Moray Growth Deal which aims to drive economic growth across the region and provide opportunities to build on the existing strengths of Moray’s culture, tourism, and world-renowned manufacturing sectors. MICM will provide a single-entry point into the Scottish and UK innovation landscape of products and services providing diagnostics, advice, information, signposting and brokerage to other services and funding. It will stimulate innovation and growth around product and process development and the transition to net zero primarily within the manufacturing sector. MICM will also provide physical space for incubation, demonstration of advanced technology and equipment, and provide an east gate into the wider Highlands and Islands Region for concentrated access to national services and programmes. The MICM facility is being developed in existing facilities on the Enterprise Park Forres which will be refurbished and upgraded for energy efficiency. HIE will require a service operator to develop and deliver the MICM service. The purpose of this Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to gauge interest as well as seek views and information from the market place in relation to a potential future contract opportunity for the MICM service operator. We also welcome responses from organisations who have experience in buying similar services or who do not intend to bid, but have experience in operating an innovation centre and/or would like to contribute with their thoughts.
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