Railway Overhead Line Equipment Steel Structures

44212224: Poles for carrying overhead lines

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Railway Overhead Line Equipment Steel Structures

Network Rail owns the railway infrastructure in England, Scotland and Wales. That’s 20,000 miles of track, 30,000 bridges, tunnels and viaducts and the thousands of signals, level crossings and stations. We manage 20 of the country’s largest stations, while all the rest – over 2,500 – are run by the train operating companies.

We will be tendering our requirement for OHLE Steel Structures and seeking engagement from the supply market to help inform our sourcing strategy. We are really interested in what you think as potential suppliers in the market, and we value any input you can give us. We have set out a number of questions that will help us to understand the steelwork fabrication market. To assist Network Rail in our market engagement, we kindly request that you complete the questionnaire which can be found at the following location: https://forms.office.com/e/5C5ZQfrX86. Please could you respond to this questionnaire by 08/11/2024. Any received responses will be used to help form the tender strategy. During this market engagement process, we may contact you to ask follow up questions, or seek feedback on various elements or options within the strategy. Additionally, we may seek to arrange site visits to further grow our understanding of the market. Network Rail is committed to ensuring fairness, openness and transparency. The Periodic Indicative Notice is issued solely for the purpose of conducting pre-procurement market engagement and does not constitute any commitment to undertake any procurement in the future. Interested parties will not be prejudiced by any response or failure to respond to the PIN event and a response to this PIN does not guarantee any invitation to participate in this event or any future procurement. Any information shared by Network Rail, during the pre-procurement market engagement will be shared with all companies who respond to the PIN. It will also form part of the tender information and be shared with all interested parties at tender stage. Network Rail is not liable for any costs, fees, or expenses incurred by any party in replying to or attending any PIN events. Any procurement of any services, supplies or works by Network Rail will be carried out strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Procurement Regulations 2023.

Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd
Date Published
44212224: Poles for carrying overhead lines
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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