90470000: Sewer cleaning services
Detailed information about the contract
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Severn Trent Water wishes to improve its ability to cleanse pressurised wastewater assets rising mains (RM) and clean water mains to address potential problems within its asset base. Failure to do this could otherwise result in wastewater assets presenting with rising main blockages, asset failure and lead to further problems such as blockages/pollution/sewer flooding. Within the clean water network this is to remove biofilms and the risk to water quality. Part of the solution to achieving this goal is to have a way of cleansing these pressurised pipes which, in some instances are >500m long and only have one means of insertion and one means of extraction sometimes ~2km away. STW would like to move into a proactive space for asset cleansing without causing disruption through asset failure. We currently do not have a similar solution within the business and are therefore looking to explore delivery solutions as part of this pre market engagement.
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