80000000: Education and training services
Detailed information about the contract
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NHS Blood and Transplant wish to engage with the market to gain insight in appointing an expert supplier to partner with us on a mental health training for manager’s project. Therefore, we are looking to hold a market engagement event on 27th November 2023 starting at 14.00. If this is something you would be interested in, please email please complete this form https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=jxsa4VKPCEaPdkZ8dNMlt3O8YZn4BFuZ2nKcsKF3RUNUREQlZOVkFINERTSFFGQkdCREJCVU1DOS4u.
The Mental health training for managers project aims to give managers skills to support their colleagues with mental health issues. We need a supplier who can deliver a comprehensive organisation-wide learning and development solution and provide strategies and tools to practice and embed the required knowledge and behaviours across our organisation.
The solution will ideally be an off the shelf package and needs to include:
- E-learning training modules
- In depth face to face learning
All of which will need to be tailored to the types of roles within our organisation e.g. Managers, staff with pastoral care responsibilities etc.
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