85100000: Health services
Detailed information about the contract
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NHS North West London requires the provision of Northwick Park Hospital Discharge Support Service for Harrow and Brent residents starting from the 1st of June 2024 for 3yrs.
The service helps vulnerable people in Northwick Park Hospital (Harrow and Brent residents) to be safely discharged home where social factors are impacting and delaying discharge from hospital.
Key requirements include:
• Streamlines the discharge, supporting Pathways P0 and P1, by getting patients home as quickly as possible.
• Ensures vulnerable older people settle at home and maximise their independence.
• Empowers individuals to maximise choice and control over their life and promote healt h and well-being.
• Enables people to continue to live in their own home for longer and to avoid or delay the need for costly support services and packages of care later.
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