80000000: Education and training services
Detailed information about the contract
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In December 2023 Leeds City Council intend to publish a third opening mini-competition for AllSkills multi-year zero-value skills delivery contracts on the Employment and Skills Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) published on Mercell/EU_Supply under ProContract DPS id: 47772 (DN310329). To be in a position to bid in the planned third opening of this mini-competition, your organisation must be a pre-approved supplier in one or more of the skills Categories 2, 3, 6, 10 on the DPS, prior to the publishing of the AllSkills mini-competition in January. Existing DPS Providers please ignore this PIN if you already have a DPS AllSkills contract for delivery activities under the Leeds City Council Dynamic Purchasing system unless you wish to amend your previous submission with additional services that you can supply to the Council. The Purpose of this PIN is to: 1) Raise awareness of the planned third opening AllSkills mini-competition for Categories 2, 3, 6, and 10 for pre-approved providers that joined the DPS after the previous AllSkills mini-competition for contracts. 2) Encourage skills training suppliers that are not currently on the DPS to apply to join the DPS before mid-January 2023 to become a pre-approved supplier in one or more of Categories 2, 3, and 6 and be in a position to submit a bid in the planned second opening mini-competition for contracts. 3) Enable suppliers already in AllSkills contracts, particularly Category 10 suppliers, to expand their additional services portfolio available to the Council in their current AllSkills contracts. Background Leeds City Council Employment and Skills Service commission and facilitate education, apprenticeships, skills training and employability initiatives that are dedicated to transforming the lives of children, young people and adults in Leeds. Over the years, our role has grown and diversified and we currently provide targeted education, training and employability services to more than 12,000 Leeds citizens. Inspired by our successes, Leeds City Council Employment and Skills Service have ambitious plans to raise the aspirations of more learners and job seekers over the next decade. Multiple zero value contracts will be published under Categories 2, 3 and 6 of the Employment & Skills DPS contract ref 47772 and call off orders raised for specific delivery activities.
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