79340000: Advertising and marketing services
Detailed information about the contract
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Network Rail has identified a requirement to put in place a framework agreement for the provision of creative and strategic solutions to communicate national, regional, internal, and external messages. The Framework Agreement will contain two lots: • Lot 1 – Strategic and Campaign Services • Lot 2 – Creative and Production Services Suppliers will deliver creative solutions to communicate national, regional, internal, and external messages. This notice is linked to the previous notice that was published regarding the potential tender of Network Rail’s creative services framework ( notice reference 2024/S 000-030511)- https://www.find-tender.service.gov.uk/Notice/030511-2024 . Please note, the deadline for responding to the questionnaire in the Request for Information document referred to in the previous notice has now passed. Network Rail will be hosting a virtual market engagement event to provide an overview of the framework requirements on the 11th of November. If you are interested in attending the event, please register via the following link- https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/c57ff0d1-7294-4e5d-b9dc-42e1b00bdbec@c22cc3e1-5d7f-4f4d-be03-d5a158cc9409
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