72710000: Local area network services
Detailed information about the contract
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The purpose of this Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to inform the market of the potential opportunity for the provision of local area network (LAN) services and the MoJ’s intention to engage with potential suppliers through a market engagement event to be held on 11 January 2023.
The LAN services will securely connect the MoJ’s devices within its c.1,000 sites to other networked devices and to its wide area network (WAN) service. The scope of the LAN services includes:
• Management of the MoJ’s existing fixed LAN and wireless LAN infrastructure and any newly provisioned fixed or wireless LAN;
• Onboarding of existing standalone Wi-Fi infrastructure and its integration with the fixed LAN at trigger events;
• Deployment and maintenance of structured cabling and patching across the MoJ’s sites; and
• Call-off engineering services within the MoJ’s local ICT rooms.
The LAN service will be structured into three key areas of responsibility: fixed LAN, wireless LAN and physical environment support.
For the fixed LAN and wireless LAN elements, the scope covers the provision of:
• Corporate LAN switching and management of the existing fixed LAN infrastructure;
• Wireless LAN access and management of the existing wireless LAN infrastructure;
• Fixed and wireless infrastructure consolidation;
• LAN segmentation;
• Integration with the MoJ’s network access control (NAC) service;
• Inventory reconciliation;
• Maintenance of software, firmware, and security fixes;
• Maintenance arrangements for the LAN devices; and
• A LAN spare device pool.
For the physical environment support element, the scope covers the provision of:
• Patching and cabling in the MoJ’s ICT rooms;
• Fixed LAN field services; and
• Wireless LAN surveys.
The number of devices in scope for support upon commencement of the contract will be between 12,000 and 30,000 – depending upon whether all Wi-Fi access points are included in scope, which MoJ shall decide at its discretion.
It is the MoJ’s intention, at an appropriate time during the contract, to in-source the LAN management services. The contract will therefore be structured to facilitate transition to such an insourced arrangement.
The contract for LAN services will be entered into with MoJ. However, the services will be provided for the benefit not only of MoJ but also a range of service recipients (including a range of MoJ executive agencies, arms’ length bodies, government companies and other entities to whom MoJ provides services). A list of the potential service recipients will be included in the procurement documents.
It is anticipated that the procurement will commence in January 2023 via the Ministry of Justice eSourcing system at https://ministryofjusticecommercial.bravosolution.co.uk - Interested suppliers must be registered on this site and will need to execute a confidentiality agreement in order to access the procurement documents.
Value excluding VAT: Value range £70,000,000 – £180,000,000
The actual contract value will be dependent on whether any extension options are applied, the extent to which projects are commissioned, whether the LAN management services are insourced during the lifetime of the contract, and the volume of Wi-Fi access points to be included in scope for support.
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