City of London Housing Repairs & Maintenance - Soft Market Testing

50000000: Repair and maintenance services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

RFQ/ITT: itt_COL_17705
City of London Housing Repairs & Maintenance - Soft Market Testing

SMT in this case is where the City of London Corporation, is at an early stage in development of its procurement strategy prior to formulating any formal procurement opportunity, seeks input from the market as to what might be the most potentially attractive way of packaging and scoping a future procurement opportunity. This exercise will also provide an opportunity for the Corporation, to obtain insight into how potential providers might approach the delivery of the service in question. It also gives useful early insight into the likely level of interest in a proposed project from the market. The City of London Corporation have developed a questionnaire (via www/ that they would like interested parties to complete, interested parties may then be invited to meet with the project team to discuss in more detail the options if needed. As stated above the outcome of the SMT exercise will inform an options appraisal with recommendations. Further detailed reports will be prepared as appropriate in accordance with the City of London Housing Repairs & Maintenance tender and approval procedures, and in accordance with the Procurement Regulations. Potential participants will not be prejudiced by any response or failure to respond to the soft market testing. Potential participants must also note that a response to this request does not guarantee an invitation to participate in this or any future procurement that The City of London Corporation may conduct. Any procurement of the supply and services by the City of London Corporation will be carried out strictly in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (the “Procurement Regulations”).

City of London Corporation
Date Published
50000000: Repair and maintenance services
£25.0M GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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