79710000: Security services
Detailed information about the contract
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The purpose of the Disembarkation and SOLAS centre at Western Jet Foil and the National Reception Centre at Manston are to register and process individuals arriving in the UK on small boats from across the English Channel. The aim of these centres is to provide a safe and secure environment, allowing Border Force to process arrivals with dignity and respect. The Home Office is currently transforming the site at Manston to establish permanent, purpose-built facilities, coordinated by the Manston Transformation Programme. The Programme is looking for partner(s) to deliver a suitable operation and wrap around services for the operations at Western Jet Foil and Manston, plus Medical Services, for an initial term of 6 years with an option to extend for an additional 2 x 24 month periods. The value of this PIN is for the initial term of 6 years. The content of this PIN, including the nature of works, services and estimated value, may be subject to change.
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