Lymphoedema Service for Slough, Maidenhead Windsor & Ascot and Bracknell

85100000: Health services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

WA17236 / C316927
Lymphoedema Service for Slough, Maidenhead Windsor & Ascot and Bracknell

NHS Frimley ICB is considering their options for commissioning a lymphoedema service for all adults aged 18 or over who are registered with a GP in East Berkshire. Patients would be eligible for the service based on having primary or secondary lymphoedema and this is regardless of diagnosis (i.e., cancer and non-cancer patients; palliative and non-palliative). The aim is to provide a comprehensive service for adults with lymphoedema involving assessment, intervention, evaluation, advice and support. This will be in line with national and local best practice guidance, and local population requirements. The vision for people with lymphoedema is to receive high quality, effective services which are delivered closer to home and are easily accessed. The service will operate with short waiting times and high responsiveness to the needs of local communities. The service will be free at the point of access. The contract will potentially be for 2 years with an option to extend for 2 further years. The anticipated contract value based on current activity levels would be £774k over the full 4 year period. Additional funding for 'made to measure garments' will also be available for up to £60k per year. Commissioners wish to understand the level of interest in this service from the market and invite suitably qualified and experienced providers to complete the attached engagement questionnaire. Providers wishing to take part in the market engagement must express an interest within the e-procurement system where providers will be given access to a draft specification and questionnaire. Bidders who express an interest will be expected to complete the questionnaire. Completed questionnaires should be submitted no later than 5pm, 22nd November 2024 via the messaging portal within the e-procurement system. Interested providers will be able to view this notice via the 'Live Opportunities' list on the e-procurement system, Atamis, available on the following link: This exercise is being carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioner.

NHS Frimley Integrated Care Board
Date Published
85100000: Health services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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