75131100: General personnel services for the government
Detailed information about the contract
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SECOND ROUND RFI This notice is to introduce a second round of market engagement for the testing of a new delivery model for provision of English Language Testing services and gain an understanding of the products, services, and innovations available in the market. UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) is seeking a second round of input from the market to build a business case to inform future specifications, to ensure that the service is delivered with the highest current levels of security, integrity and customer satisfaction. This market data gathering will include but not be limited to testing the feasibility of potential procurement options and the market's capacity and capability for delivery. Secure English Language Testing is currently delivered by multiple concessionaires who are responsible for providing their version of the test, test facilities, and all associated services. The Home Office is planning to move away from a concession model and contract directly with suppliers. The service is also planned to be disaggregated into two service lines: 1) The development, evaluation and ongoing support of a Home Office branded test to be used globally for all HOELTs, and 2) The facilitation of tests globally, including a customer booking platform, test centre provision, invigilation, and ID-verification. The two services will be lotted as outlined below. The contract value is an estimate only, developed using estimated test volumes, and is therefore subject to change. The content of this PIN, including the nature of works, services and estimated value, may be subject to change.
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