85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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For Information Lancashire County Council (the Council) commissions a range of supported accommodation services for young people in the county. The Services provide support to Children Looked After (CLA), Care Leavers and vulnerable young people including those who are homeless, who are primarily aged 16 to 21. The Services are regulated and are overseen by an Ofsted-led registration and inspection regime. The Council intends to tender for new contracts in January 2024 for a number of services throughout Lancashire where accommodation has been identified for the purpose of any procurement. However, in reviewing its demand for services, the Authority has identified gaps in provision in the Burnley and Wyre districts. As part of any procurement, it is intended that bidders will have the opportunity to bid for a support-only contract where the provider will be required to source the accommodation from which to deliver the support Service in these areas. Service Providers may wish to consider potential accommodation options in Burnley and Wyre districts when preparing a submission to any procurement that is published. In the event that the Council progresses to a tender process, it is anticipated that to be eligible the accommodation must:
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