The objectives of this Prior Information Notice, is to identify potential suppliers for the ‘Provision of a Contract Lifecycle Management Solution’ and to invite them to submit an “Expression of Interest”.
This PIN shall enable market research/ supplier engagement and facilitate whg in developing its sourcing strategy.
whg’s procurement activity is regulated by the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015 Regs) and shall soon be regulated by The Procurement Act 2023, which shall supersede the PCR 2015 Regs.
Please follow link to tender portal for associated documents.
Potential suppliers who respond to this PIN shall be invited to a briefing presentation, hosted by whg via Microsoft Teams on 18th January 2024 from 11:00 until 12:30, where whg shall present and discuss in more detail its objectives and requirements and provide the opportunity for interested suppliers to ask questions.
- Following the presentation whg shall issue a questionnaire to further explore the market potential to fulfil these requirements.
- Following the return of the completed questionnaires, whg may invite potential suppliers to an interview/ system demonstration. Where a significant volume of questionnaires are received, whg shall reserve the right to cap the number of interviews/system demonstrations to those whom from the questionnaire responses have demonstrated having an existing system offering that best meets the majority of the key output objectives, with preference given to those who have confirmed effective use in the regulated sector of their solution. The proposed dates for these interviews/ demonstrations are 20th & 21st February 2024.
- Responding to this PIN will not automatically lead to invitations to the supplier engagement activities, whg specific requirements must be considered when responding.
- Potential suppliers shall not be prejudiced by any response to this PIN or failure to respond. This PIN does not formally signify the beginning of a procurement and does not constitute a commitment by whg to undertake a procurement exercise. Inclusion of any potential supplier in any supplier engagement entails no obligation on the part of the contracting authority concerning the award or conclusion of any contract or order.
- This PIN is being used to facilitate developing the sourcing strategy. Where whg elects to proceed to sourcing a solution, this may be in the form of a tender or via an existing framework agreement. At this current time it is envisaged that the opportunity will not be subdivided into lots.
- In the event that whg decides to formally commence the procurement of a Contract Lifecycle management Solution and elects to conduct its own tender process, a separate contract notice shall be issued. If a contract notice is published, whg may rely on the publication of this PIN to reduce the timescales for the procurement in line with the Public Contract Regulations 2015.
- Potential suppliers shall be solely responsible for any costs which they incur as a result of participating in any aspect of this market testing exercise.
- All ‘Expressions of Interest’ must be submitted through the Pro-Contract ‘Housing Procurement Portal’ [link above] by fully completing and uploading the document attached to the portal ‘Expression of Interest Response — Project Scheduler Solution’ by no later than 12.00 noon (GMT) on 15th January 2024. Please see the portal for attached document ‘Additional Information’. Should you experience any technical difficulties in using the Pro-Contract system, please contact the supplier support helpline on 03300050352.