712978450 - Medium Range Precision Strike

35300000: Weapons, ammunition and associated parts

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

712978450 - Medium Range Precision Strike

Following the issuance of a Prior Information Notice (PIN), dated 21 October 2024 (Ref. 2024/S 000-033964), the Authority would like to thank all suppliers who have expressed an interest in the Medium Range Precision Strike (MRPS) requirement. This second PIN serves to provide further detail regarding the Market Interest Day mentioned in the first PIN and individual Engagement Sessions. Suppliers that did not submit an expression of interest following the issuance of the first PIN may still register an interest. The Authority will hold the Market Interest Day 10:00–16:00 GMT on 04 December 2024 in Wiltshire, UK. The aim of the Market Interest Day is to provide a briefing from the Authority on the requirement, forward plan/timescales, and proposed delivery approach for the MRPS programme with a Q&A at the end. Industry participation and feedback is encouraged. Suppliers interested in participating must submit a request to attend the Market Interest Day via the following link: https://forms.office.com/e/VpSpULjebX Responses must be submitted by 17:00 (UK Time) 29 November 2024. Any expression of interest received after this time may be rejected at the Authority’s sole discretion. Once suppliers have registered an interest, all details about the event will be shared directly with interested suppliers. Due to capacity limitations, the Market Interest Day is limited to three (3) personnel from each supplier. In the event of the location’s capacity being exceeded, the Authority will reduce down to two (2) personnel from each supplier. Following completion of the Market Interest Day, the Authority intends to release a Request for Information (RFI) in order to collate feedback on the presentation and offer an additional opportunity to attend a one-on-one Engagement Session via MS Teams. The Engagement Sessions are for suppliers to present their capabilities to the Authority. Industry responses to the Market Interest Day and Engagement Sessions will help inform development of the requirement. Please note the following: The Market Interest Day will assist the Authority to refine any future requirement and procurement documentation. The Authority reserve the right not to proceed with the procurement. Nothing shall constitute a commitment to instigating a formal procurement process. The Authority will not be liable for any costs associated with attendance at the Market Interest Day or the production of a response to any subsequent RFI. All responses at the Market Interest Day and any subsequent RFI must be provided by suppliers in good faith and to the best of the ability in light of information available at the time of the response. No information provided by a supplier in response to this Market Interest Day and/or any subsequent RFI will be carried forward, used, or acknowledged in any subsequent formal procurement process that may take place. Should a supplier not attend the Market Interest Day and/or not respond to any subsequent RFI, it will not affect participation in any subsequent formal procurement process for the requirement.

Ministry of Defence
Date Published
35300000: Weapons, ammunition and associated parts
£121.0M GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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