85100000: Health services
Detailed information about the contract
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The BSOL Procurement Collaborative on behalf of University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust intends to tender for the Provision of an ED Primary Care Stream (GP Led Triage Service)
Based at the following locations:
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB NHSFT)
Emergency Department
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEHB)
Mindlelsohn Way
B15 2GW
Emergency Department
Birmingham Heartlands Hospital (BHH)
Bordesley Green East
B9 5SS
Emergency Department
Good Hope Hospital (GHH)
Rectory Road
Sutton Coldfield
Birmingham B75 7RR
On site location subject to change but still based at GHH.
Also under potential consideration is the service at the following seperate NHS Trust and location:
Birmingham Womenn's & Children's NHS Foundation Trust (BWC)
Emergency Department
Birmingham Children’s Hospital (BCH)
Parsons House Grd Floor
Steelhouse Lane
Birmingham B4 6NH
The Contract shall be for a period of approx 2 Years with an option to extend for up to 2 x 12 month periods.
(Exact duration will be confirmed in the final tender documents.
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