85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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An online market engagement event is being held on Monday 2 December 2024 at 2.00pm via Microsoft Teams to promote BCP Council’s new Learning Disability, Autism and Mental Health Framework. This market engagement event is an opportunity for providers to learn more about the structure and vision of the new framework. Providers will also be able to find out about the procurement process. BCP Council are looking to attract a diverse range of providers onto the new framework which will provide people with choice and support to achieve their health and wellbeing outcomes. Domiciliary care, supported living, housing related support and Independent Service Funds will be commissioned through the new framework. It is expected that the outcomes achieved through the new framework will make a positive contribution towards BCP’s Adult Social Care Corporate Strategy priorities of connected communities, brighter futures and fulfilled lives by: reducing loneliness and social isolation; promoting happy, active and healthy lifestyles; promoting lifelong learning; achieving equality through diversity and inclusion and valuing and supporting carers. Providers on the framework shall support people using a strengths based outcome focused approach to promote independence and support people to achieve their health and wellbeing outcomes. The framework tender opportunity is due to be published on Supplying the Southwest in January/February 2025. To register for the engagement event please send an email to housingallocationspanel@bcpcouncil.gov.uk by 10am on Monday 2 December 2024. Participation or non-participation in this market event shall not prevent any organisation participating in any potential procurement process nor is it intended that any information supplied shall place any organisation at an advantage in any forthcoming procurement process.
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