85000000: Health and social work services
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The London Borough of Newham would like to invite Suppliers to Workshop Event on Friday 19th January 2024 to support suppliers in developing and reviewing their Safeguarding Policies to meet the Working Together to Safeguard Children requirements.
Title: Safeguarding Policies - meeting the standard
Session: 9.30-12.30 noon
This is not an invitation to tender.
The Workshop will be led by the former Local Authority Designated Officer for the London Borough of Newham who is a qualified Social Worker and the strategic lead for the Independent Safeguarding Service. The training is held to support providers to have policies in place that meet the required standard and ae updated in line with Working Together requirements (2023).
If you are developing or reviewing your Safeguarding policies and want to ensure you are clear about the statutory requirement and how to oversee your safeguarding practice, then this workshop is for you.
Suppliers will have the opportunity to ask questions to enhance their understanding. Following the event all information and any questions and answers will be shared with attendees and published as part of the tender documents in the latest published Round on Fusion.
To secure your place, please register for the event using link below:
Session : Safeguarding Policy: Meeting the Standard 19th January 2024 09:30-12.30
Booking will close once the places are filled. The meeting link will be sent to you when you book your place.
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