85100000: Health services
Detailed information about the contract
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Prior Information Notice only.
This Prior Information notice is to inform the market of the intention of NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB to procure a new Termination of Pregnancy Service under the Public Contract Regulations 2015 in January 2024.
The objectives of this project are to commission a service to provide across Norfolk & Waveney a full range of termination methods up to the legal gestational limit (24 weeks) which are speedy and safe depending on the personal health and circumstances of the individual service user, to reduce repeat terminations and unintended pregnancies, and to promote better sexual health among service users.
Patients will have access to the full range of termination methods up to the legal gestational limit (24 weeks) which are speedy and safe depending on the personal health and circumstances of the individual service user, to reduce repeat terminations and unintended pregnancies and to promote better sexual health among service users. Ensuring service users have a positive experience of care and are treated and cared for in a safe environment, protected from avoidable harm. Provider will be registered with the CQC and adhere to CQC regulations.
The service will work closely with local contraceptive and sexual health clinics, acute trusts and other local counselling and pregnancy testing providers.
The proposed contract will be for a period of 3 years with the option to extend for an additional 2 years. The anticipated contract value is £1,546.050 per annum.
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