45000000: Construction work
Detailed information about the contract
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This Prior Information Notice 6 (PIN 6), without call for competition, is to alert the market that Sellafield Ltd is continuing with market engagement activity for the forthcoming Project and Asset Care Execution (PACE) Contract Opportunity.
Previous PIN information can be viewed using the following reference numbers:
• PIN 1 reference 2024/S 000-000821
• PIN 2 reference 2024/S 000-010319
• PIN 3 reference 2024/S 000-020650
• PIN 4 reference 2024/S 000-033194
• PIN 4A reference 2024/S 000-034773; and
• PIN 5 reference 2024/S 000-035234
PACE will be the successor to the Integrated Asset Care (IAC) framework, which will maintain asset condition, and will provide new asset capabilities when needed, at the Sellafield Site in Cumbria. PACE will not be a like for like replacement for IAC, but will build upon the existing IAC framework by including, higher value gated projects and design capability to deliver asset care for a scope of work, which includes jobs, tasks and projects in operational nuclear facilities in radiologically controlled areas.
As a result of this sixth PIN and as part of the ongoing market engagement activity, Sellafield Ltd is to provide information to the market in relation to the PACE opportunity, this includes the Functional Specification and Scope of Work; output from the Market Engagement Event held on 14th November 2024; and updates in relation to the incentivisation model / further areas of interest from PIN 5. These are set out in the supporting PACE PIN Market Engagement Information document shared via Atamis, as referred to in II.2.14.1 Additional Information.
Interested parties can provide their feedback on PIN 6 by completing a PACE Request for Information (RfI) template which can be obtained from Atamis, and when completed submitted via Atamis, as referred to in II.2.14.1 Additional Information.
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