38000000: Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
Detailed information about the contract
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LUPC are publishing this Prior Information Notice (PIN) to alert the Laboratory Equipment market of an upcoming tender process, to put in place a Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for next year. THis PIN also seeks the input of the supply market in a few areas to help inform the structure and the technical scope of requirements that will be sourced through this framework. This will be carried out via a Pre Market Engamenet survey, available at the following link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/DesignPageV2.aspx?origin=ShareFormPage&subpage=design&m2=1&id=1WhA7V43TkGxiQZqzofYnEae8KKYYI1BraHlHyQllG5UQjVWWjFUVTJFT1I5QUc5NThVVVBWUU0zMi4u&branchingelementid=rb1cfe3364f644b37abfc0af32125e138
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