79000000: Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
Detailed information about the contract
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Red Kite Learning Trust are working with Pagabo to look to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System for Academy Services for Academy Trusts in England. The DPS Agreement will cover projects including, but is not limited to, legal services, internal and external audit services, DPO services, HR and payroll solutions, etc. The procurement will be a single stage process following the Public Contract Regulations 2015 open procedure. The DPS agreement will be established and coincide with the recently awarded framework for Academy Services and will be coterminous in May 2026. The DPS will be split in to 11 categories, this DPS agreement is being advertised and tendered, so it can be utilised by Academies in England. Please refer to document set available for download from the In-Tend platform for a full application process overview. Documentation is available to download from In-Tend https://www.in-tendhost.co.uk/pagabo/aspx/ProjectManage/1278
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