85312120: Daycare services for disabled children and young people
Detailed information about the contract
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The London Boroughs of Kensington & Chelsea, The City of Westminster and its partners are seeking to establish a Framework agreement for Short Breaks Homecare, Travel and Community Assistance Services. The aim of the Bi-borough Short Breaks and Transport service is to provide access to high quality and responsive services which are available in the local area whilst providing opportunities for children and young people to thrive, whether in education, employment, independent living, or community participation. We want to enable our children and young people to realise their ambitions, overcome their concerns and to have the skills and opportunities they need to live happy and fulfilled lives. Please consider completing our survey to help design and shape the re-procurement of these services: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=FcHYUH-3lUOjujtAfK8NiDJM1tUdEiRHiMF3lBSaWtVUMzFPQlhITTVFTTAwSkRFWTk3N0sxTEpUUi4u&route=shorturl
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